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i just discovered this game, and i love it!  loki cracks me up!  my firsr playthrough was all about jessie.  i'm gonna go through again and make some other choices.

That great pal, happy you enjoyed yourself. You can safely make some other choices but not all ;)

Getting "404, File Not Found" on download for PC

Android link doesn't work???


Damn dude, well fucking done. There's some spelling and grammar issues scattered about, but even then... This is unintentionally(?) a really good exploration of PTSD and how seeing combat can affect and warp someone. You don't happen to be a vet yourself, do you?


Thanks pal. I am a vet though from an era before the MC/Jack.


Android download not working any advice?

Ну судя по главному меню мы уже понимаем как будет выглядеть лучшая концовка)


It's a great game. I really like the characters and the way they develop. Keep up the good work.

That said, I'm the kind of guy who likes a harem game or something that involves multiple women so I was excited when I was introduced to the girls on the soccer team, but as far as I've played (I haven't completed the latest version yet) I haven't There was no action with them, so I wanted to ask if there is any chance of that happening.

(Also, if you're the type of guy who's looking for a game where you can jerk off quickly, this isn't the game for you, the action is there but the focus is on the story. But it's a great story, so I recommend it anyway)

thanks good to hear you like it so far.

As for a harem ending, that's not really in the cards. Atm 4 girls will become available at different stages.

Some endings will include multiple girls